Tour and Travel Solution
Tour and Travel
Tour and travel Software is the most comprehensive and complete Package available in the market. Designed to take care of a wide array of business requirements. With its various modules covers. Hotel Reservations, Enquiry, Package Tours, Individual Tours, Invoice, Receipt & other reports.
Easy to use :
- Completely Codeless
- Fully Menu Driven
- Flexible Date Format
- Flexible Financial Year Beginning Date
- Flexible Voucher Series System
- Unlimited level of Grouping of Accounts, Items and Cost Centres
- Voucher entry while viewing reports and vice-Versa
- Printing in draft mode.
- Powerfull Password protection. User defined rights can be given to User to allow him access to various modules and Entries Tour Accounting
- All books of Accounts & Final Results
- Balance Sheet with various Schedules
- Daily / Monthly Summaries of Accounts, Groups and Cost Centres
- Outstanding Reports and Analysis
- Payment Reminder Letter
Package Tour Accounting
Create Package Tour Dates with different Categories specific areawise.
Maintain all the packages with their different hotel reservations details like
- check in
- check out
- rooms per day
- dinning charges
- Tour Managers details etc
Create booking details and maintain various details like
- No. of rooms
- tour plan
- pickup detail
- traveling details (Train / plane)
- customer details
- additional travel if required
- commission paid to any travel agents etc.
Just creating bookings automatically
- generates invoice & receipt for the same.
- Print Vouchers/ Letters for customers like
- Hotel Voucher
- Travel Voucher
- Pickup Vouchers
- Thanks letter
- Reminder letter
- Outstanding letter.
Generates Pickup/ Drop list
- Tourwise for the Company/ Tour manager.
- Maintain Tour Managers Things to do.